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Sunday 31 December 2017

Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 1st Sem Engineering Mathematics-1 2016 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 1st Sem Applied Mathematics-1 2016 Question Paper

Engineering Mathematics 1


Saturday 16 December 2017

Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem Data Structure Using 'C' 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem Data Structure Using 'C' April/May 2015 Question Paper



Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem 'Computer Organization' 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem 'Computer Organization' April/May 2015 Question Paper


1.(a)Fill in the blanks 
(i)A group of lines that serve as connecting path for several devices is called_____. 
(ii)_____is a system software that helps the user to detect programming errors.
(iii)Characters in computers are represented by a 7 bit_____code. 
(iv)A small,fast memory placed between processor and main memory is called_____. 
(v)A 16 bit computer can address upto_____memory locations. 
(b)Write a note on interrupts. 


2.(a)With the diagram explain the basic operational concepts associated with main memory and processor. 
(b)Explain the role of the following: 

3.(a)Explain why two's complement representation is chosen over sign and magnitude and one's complement representation for signed numbers. 
(b)Using one address instruction right instructions to perform the operation

(c)Explain Straight Line sequencing.

4.(a)Explain with suitable examples,Immediate addressing mode and indirect addressing mode.
(b)Write  a note on condition codes.

Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem Programming With 'C' 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem Programming With 'C' April/May 2015 Question Paper


1.(a)Fill in the blanks 
i._____function used to output the result in formatted form. 
ii.The size of char data type is_____byte.
iii.Every 'C' program must have one_____function.
iv.Program break sequential flow and jumps to another part of code is called_____
v.The function that are predefined are called_____

(b) Write important features of C language.


2.(a)Explain the basic structure of 'C' programme 
(b)Write a note on preprocessor directive.

3.(a)what is the purpose of declaring a variable? 

(b)write a note on increment and decrement operator. 

4.(a)Explain the basic data type of 'C'.

(b)Explain the if else statement with an example.

5.(a)With an example, explain Syntax of switch statement.

(b)Write a program to find the factorial of a given number.

Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 2nd Sem Digital Computer Fundamentals 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 2nd Sem Digital Computer Fundamentals 2015 Question Paper



Download Karnataka Diploma Communication Skills In English 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 2nd Sem Communication Skills In English 2015 Question Paper



Thursday 14 December 2017

Download Karnataka Diploma Applied Science 2009 Syllabus 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 1st Sem Applied Science 2009 Syllabus 2015 Question Paper


1.(A) What are physical quantities? Write three advantages of SI system.
   (B) Draw a neat sketch of vernier caliper and label the parts
   (C)State Newton's Law of Motion a body travelling along straight line and changes its velocity from 10 m/s to 20 m/s in 4 second. Find the acceleration of the body.

2.(A) State and Prove the law of conservation of momentum.
   (B) Describe an experimental verification of law of parallelogram of force.

3.(A) Define moment of force,Mention the conditions of equilibrium of co planar parallel forces acting on body 
   (B)What is resultant of Forces? Two forces 3 N and 4 N are acting at a point at an angle  of 30 degree.Find resultant of the forces. 


4.(A)What is stress and strain explain the types of stress.
   (B)Derive an expression for pressure at a point inside the liquid at rest.
   (C)what is capillarity? Write three applications of capillarity.

5.(A)Define heat and temperature. derive the perfect gas equation PV=RT. 
   (B)Define Cp and Cv. Write the relation between them.
   (C)State Boyle's law.A gas occupies 150 cc at 80 degree c, find the volume of gas at 150            degree c. 

6.(A)Define wave frequency and wavelength derive the relation V = n^.
   (B)What are the differences between longitudinal waves and transverse waves?
   (C)State three laws of transverse vibrations of a stretched strings.

7.(A)What is stationary wave ? Write any three characteristics.
   (B)Explain experimental determination of unknown frequency of tuning fork using sonometer by comparison method.
   (C)Describe experimental determination of viscosity of water in laboratory.


8.(A)Give the difference between interference and diffraction 
   (B)Explain young's double slit experiment
   (C)What are fresnel's and fraunhofer's diffraction ?

9.(A)What is polarization? How do you produce polarized light by reflection method? 
   (B)What is electron emission ? Explain any two types of electron emission.
   (C)Expand LASER. Write four applications of LASER. 

10.(A)Define Radio Activity.Write any three properties of b-rays.
     (B)What is electron microscope? Give three uses / advantages of microscope.
     (C)What is air pollution? Write any three methods to prevent air pollution.

11.(A)Define pH of a solution. Give 3 applications of pH of a solution.
     (B)What is corrosion? Write three preventive method of corrosion.
     (C)What is photocell? Mention the applications of photocells.



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Download Karnataka Diploma Applied Mathematics-I 2015 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science Applied Mathematics 2015 Question Paper