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Friday 5 January 2018

Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 2nd Sem Digital Electronics 2016 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 2nd Sem Digital And Computer Fundamentals 2016 Question Paper

I. Answer any six full questions
  1. Explain briefly binary and decimal number systme.
  2. Classify logic gates with truth table and logic symbols.
  3. State Demorgan's Theroem.
  4. Write Half Adder Logic Diagram with truth table.
  5. Define flip-flops.List the Difference types of flip-flop.
  6. Define High level language. Write its advantages.
  7. List the characteristics of impact printers.
  8. Name the input devices of computers.
  9. Define ROM. Compare ROM and RAM.

II. Answer any Seven full questions:
1.Convert the following:
  • (671)10 to binary
  • (11010)2 to decimal
  • (127668)8 to decimal
  • (010111)2 to octal
  • (5112)10 to hexadecimal

2.Define the follow:
  • BCD
  • ASCII Code
  • GRAY Code
  • Excess-3-code

Thursday 4 January 2018

Download Karnataka Diploma Communication Skills in English 2014 Old Question Paper

Diploma Communication Skills in English 2014 Old Question Paper

1.Fill in the blanks:

  • Teach him to have______in his own ideas.
  • Della's house was a furnished flat at______per week.
  • ______is dangerous to Agriculture.
  • Global economy is characterized by______.
  • The author of "My Lost Dollar" is_______.

2.Answer any Twelve of the following questions in two or three sentences each:

  • What does the boy have to learn about men?
  • What is the ultimate teaching the author recommends and to what result?
  • How did della save  money?
  • Describe Della's home in a couple of sentences.
  • How is the valley of the Nile described?
  • What measures can be taken to check soil erosion?
  • What were the complaints listed  by Mr. Tagde about the boy?What was his recommendation?
  • For what reason did Mr. Tagde take a heroic stand?
  • What is it that Shapes our responses to events?
  • What does  high self-esteem seek?
  • What did Todd over the speaker and for how long?
  • What are the means by which 'the weakes soul' can grow 'divinely strong'?
  • In what ways are "doubts and fears" the great enemies of knowledge?
  • What  does'Information' mean?

3.Write short notes on any two of the following:

  • Summarise the essay 'thought and purpose' in ypur own  words.
  • Name the six pillars of self esteems.Explain each of them briefly.
  • What  are the grounds on which a request for information can be turned down or rejected?

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Download Karnataka Diploma Computer Science 1st Sem Concepts of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 2016 Question Paper

Diploma Computer Science 1st Sem Concepts of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 2016 Question Paper

Concepts of electrical and electronics engineering April/May - 2016

  1. State and explain Ohm's law. Mention its limitations.
  2. Define electrical power and energy and the metres used to measure them.
  3. Find magnetic field and flux density. What is the unit of flux density?
  4. Sketch AC voltage waveform and mark the parameters given below:A.Instantaneous value B.Amplitude C.Time period D.Cycle
  5. Differentiate between single phase and three phase AC supply.
  6. List the types of Transformers and write their applications.
  7. What do you mean by a switch? Classify the switches based on their operations.
  8. Define conductors semiconductors and insulators with examples.
  9. What is an op amp? List the ideal characteristics of op amp.
  10.  A) explain open closed and short circuit.       B) define: I. Current.    II. EMF and mention their units.
  11.  A) explain working principle of a relay.         B) what is the necessity of earthing? Write the types of earthing.
  12.  A) explain self induced EMF and mutually induced EMF.                                                           B) define Inductive reactance and capacitive reactance and mention their units.
  13. A) define the RMS VALUE ,AVERAGE VALUE ,FORM FACTOR.                                                B) bring out the comparison between DC and AC supply.
  14. A) explain pure inductive AC circuit with waveform and vector diagram.                                  B) in an R-L series circuits, R=30 ohm and L=0.5 H are connected across 230V 50hz AC supply find impedance, current, power factor.
  15. A) an AC voltage is given by v=100 sin 314t, what is the maximum voltage and frequency?          B) define power and power factor and write their units.
  16. Explain the working principle of stepper motor and explain intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor.
  17. What is a rectifier? Explain half wave rectifier with the circuit and waveforms. Sketch and explain V - I characteristics of PN junction diode.
  18. Explain transistor as a switch and what are filters? List the types of filters.
  19. Explain working of SMPS with block diagram and Name different type of batteries and write their applications.



Monday 1 January 2018

Download Karnataka Diploma Applied Science 2016 Question Paper

Diploma Applied Science 2016 Question Paper

1.Answer any 10 questions from Section-A,each carry 2 marks
2.Answer  any 10 questions from section-B,each carry 5 marks
3.Answer any 5 questions from section-C,each carry 6 marks


  1. Define unit of a physical quantity.
  2. Define pitch of A Screw.
  3. State lamis theorem.
  4. Define couple.
  5. Define compressibility. What is SI unit.
  6. Mention the factors affecting surface tension.
  7. Write the effect of temperature on viscosity of gas.
  8. Define conduction of heat.
  9. Define periodic motion with example.
  10. State zero law of thermodynamics.
  11. Write any two application of Beats.
  12. Write the principle of Optical Fibre.
  13. Write two advantages of communication satellite.
  14. Define electrolysis.
  15. Define polymers.


  1. Write the difference between scalars and vectors. Give two examples for each.
  2. Draw a neat diagram of vernier callipers and label its parts.
  3. Define cohesive and Adhesive force with an example to each.
  4. Define capillarity. Write any three applications of capillarity.
  5. Define Strain. Write the types of strain. Give example for each type of strain.
  6. Write any 5 applications of convection.
  7. Explain a stationary wave. Mention any three characteristics of stationary waves.
  8. State Boyle's law and Charles law point give an ideal gas equation.
  9. Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves.
  10. Write any five properties of electromagnetic waves.
  11. Write five advantages of Nanotechnology.
  12. Write any five preventive methods of corrosion.
  13. Write the two types of fuel cells. Give any three advantages of fuel cells.
  14. Write the basic concepts of batteries. List any three applications of batteries.
  15. Define: 1. Minerals 2. Ore 3. Flux


  1. Describe an experiment to verify lami's theorem.
  2. Define viscosity of a liquid. A rectangular tank is 6 m long point 4 m wide and 3 m in height comma it contains water to a depth of 2 m, the density of water is 1000 kg/m3. Calculate the pressure, water at the bottom of the tank.
  3. Explain three modes of a heat transmission.
  4. Describe an experiment to find the unknown frequency of the given to me for using sonometer by comparison method.
  5. Explain various factors affecting velocity of sound in air.
  6. A string of length 2 m is stretched by a force of 3200 N. If the frequency of vibration is 100 Hertz, find the mass of the string.
  7. Explain satellite communication system. Write four advantages of satellite communication system.
  8. Write the applications of polymers.