Diploma Applied Science 2016 Question Paper
1.Answer any 10 questions from Section-A,each carry 2 marks
2.Answer any 10 questions from section-B,each carry 5 marks
3.Answer any 5 questions from section-C,each carry 6 marks
- Define unit of a physical quantity.
- Define pitch of A Screw.
- State lamis theorem.
- Define couple.
- Define compressibility. What is SI unit.
- Mention the factors affecting surface tension.
- Write the effect of temperature on viscosity of gas.
- Define conduction of heat.
- Define periodic motion with example.
- State zero law of thermodynamics.
- Write any two application of Beats.
- Write the principle of Optical Fibre.
- Write two advantages of communication satellite.
- Define electrolysis.
- Define polymers.
- Write the difference between scalars and vectors. Give two examples for each.
- Draw a neat diagram of vernier callipers and label its parts.
- Define cohesive and Adhesive force with an example to each.
- Define capillarity. Write any three applications of capillarity.
- Define Strain. Write the types of strain. Give example for each type of strain.
- Write any 5 applications of convection.
- Explain a stationary wave. Mention any three characteristics of stationary waves.
- State Boyle's law and Charles law point give an ideal gas equation.
- Distinguish between longitudinal and transverse waves.
- Write any five properties of electromagnetic waves.
- Write five advantages of Nanotechnology.
- Write any five preventive methods of corrosion.
- Write the two types of fuel cells. Give any three advantages of fuel cells.
- Write the basic concepts of batteries. List any three applications of batteries.
- Define: 1. Minerals 2. Ore 3. Flux
- Describe an experiment to verify lami's theorem.
- Define viscosity of a liquid. A rectangular tank is 6 m long point 4 m wide and 3 m in height comma it contains water to a depth of 2 m, the density of water is 1000 kg/m3. Calculate the pressure, water at the bottom of the tank.
- Explain three modes of a heat transmission.
- Describe an experiment to find the unknown frequency of the given to me for using sonometer by comparison method.
- Explain various factors affecting velocity of sound in air.
- A string of length 2 m is stretched by a force of 3200 N. If the frequency of vibration is 100 Hertz, find the mass of the string.
- Explain satellite communication system. Write four advantages of satellite communication system.
- Write the applications of polymers.