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Thursday 4 January 2018

Download Karnataka Diploma Communication Skills in English 2014 Old Question Paper

Diploma Communication Skills in English 2014 Old Question Paper

1.Fill in the blanks:

  • Teach him to have______in his own ideas.
  • Della's house was a furnished flat at______per week.
  • ______is dangerous to Agriculture.
  • Global economy is characterized by______.
  • The author of "My Lost Dollar" is_______.

2.Answer any Twelve of the following questions in two or three sentences each:

  • What does the boy have to learn about men?
  • What is the ultimate teaching the author recommends and to what result?
  • How did della save  money?
  • Describe Della's home in a couple of sentences.
  • How is the valley of the Nile described?
  • What measures can be taken to check soil erosion?
  • What were the complaints listed  by Mr. Tagde about the boy?What was his recommendation?
  • For what reason did Mr. Tagde take a heroic stand?
  • What is it that Shapes our responses to events?
  • What does  high self-esteem seek?
  • What did Todd over the speaker and for how long?
  • What are the means by which 'the weakes soul' can grow 'divinely strong'?
  • In what ways are "doubts and fears" the great enemies of knowledge?
  • What  does'Information' mean?

3.Write short notes on any two of the following:

  • Summarise the essay 'thought and purpose' in ypur own  words.
  • Name the six pillars of self esteems.Explain each of them briefly.
  • What  are the grounds on which a request for information can be turned down or rejected?

a.Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:

  • He ran very fast.
  • He  arrived after the rain left.

b.Pick out the uncountable nouns in the following:
       I don't like coffee without sugar.

c.Fill in the blanks with(some/any  much/many/a lot of/few/little)

  • I've got a lot of books but i haven;t read______of them.
  • We enjoyed our Holiday. We have_____fun.
  • How______people are coming to the party?
  • He is very thin because he eats very______.
  • Your english  is good. You make Very______Mistakes.
  • I don't Like him very______.

d.Fill in the blanks using suitable auxiliaries:

  • ______you speak English?
  • You______do your Home Work.
  • _______we go for a walk?

e.Fill in the blanks with the correct from of the verb given in the brackets:

  • Margaret______about languages.(speak)
  • He______you  in ten minutes.(see)
  • My friend is a writer.He______many Books(write)
  • It______,so we didn't go out(rain)
  • I______him yesterday.(meet)
  • The train____when I reached the station.(start)
  • Sagari came home late because she_____in the library.(study)
  • She______with us for four weeks.(stay)

f.Fill in the blanks usin the passive form of the verbs in brackets:
These Houses______(build) 20 years  ago. Before that  there was a cinema hall here. but the building______(damage) in a fire and had to______(knock down) ad these buildings_______.(build)

g.Fill in the blanks with appropriate nagative verbs:

  • You______beleive me.
  • He______decided to quit job.

h.Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogatives:

  • _______are you feeling today?
  • _______is Spain and Portugal?

i.Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

  • The next meeting is______15th April.
  • There's too much sugar______my coffee.
  • I usually go to  work______car.
  • Jhon has gone______Italy.

j.Supply suitable questions  tags:

  • It isn't a very difficult questions.
  • You will bring it back.

k.Fill in the Blanks with 'Very/too':

  • I can't talk to you now. I'm______busy.
  • We enjoyed the party______much.

l.Use the following idioms and phrases in sentences;

  • to put a price tag
  • to give  way to
  • to play a role
  • on account of

(a)Construct a readable story, from the outline given below:
A tortoise is laughed at the hare- he challenges the hare to race swiftly- he leaves tortoise behind- sleeping by the way  side- the tortoise move slowly on- sees hare sleeping- and reaches the goal first- the hare gets up- runs fast- is surprised to find the  tortoise already there.

(b)Write a paragraph of not more then 100 words using the following points: The  reasons why the  widespread use of solar energy must  be promoted.
- Freely  available source
- Limit less supply
- Economical
- Non-Polluting

(c)Read the following passage and write a summary of it  in not more then 1/3 of its  length:
There are many good programmes on tv that can have a wholesome influence on young pepole stimulate their interest in acquiring more knowledge by reading newspapers, magazines, books, talks with others that have appeared on TV. We have in mind The Discovery channel,The national Geographic, BBC World, Chat Show, good feature films with morals to society. But sad to say  there are  other channels that provide pure entertainment and the entertainment there is hardly pure. The films they show center on have, violence thrown in. Many young people sit  before the TV without being able to take their eyes off the small screen and in spite of parental protests nice meals, read no more and Converse no more. Some young people even break loose and try to imitate their favourite heroes. They get the wrong idea that one cannot get what is right unless one fights with his fists for it. White many things in life TV is a complex mixture of good and bad. 

(d)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Lokmanya Tilak was imprisoned by the English. He kept himself busy in studies while in jail. The jail was quiet place, where even the birds wouldn't chirp. Tilak started putting away some food for Birds while having meal point the food was untouched in the beginning. But , after some days a few Birds started coming there. Slowly their number increased and they will all around tilaks call. While on his rounds. On hearing the chirping of birds he peeped in and the jailor was totally surprised. "So many birds; where have they come from?", He asked. Tilak replied, "friend, I didn't bring them from India. These are here from only". The jailer was surprised. He said, the birds can also distinguish between friends and foes."

  1. Why did the birds come to the prison?
  2. What did the jailor ask Tilak? What was tilaks reply?
  3. How did Tilak spend his days in jail?
  4. How was the jail?
  5. Why did the jailor peep into tilaks cell?




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