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Wednesday 5 December 2018

Karnataka Diploma Applied Science Model Question Paper-2 With Answers 2019

1.What are supplementary units in SI system?
-> the Supplementary units in SI system are Radian and steradian.

2. how do you find least count of vernier calipers?

3. state lami’s theorem.
-> lami’s states that “if three forces acting at a point or equilibrium then each force is proportional to the sign of the angle between the other two forces”.

4. define like and unlike parallel forces.
-> like parallel forces:” the forces acting along the parallel lines in the same direction are called like parallel forces”.

unlike parallel forces:” the forces acting along the Parallel Lines but in the opposite are called unlike parallel forces”.

5. what is D forming force?
-> whenever a body is acted upon by an external force a change in shape or distortion occurs. this distortion produced in the body is called the deformation. the force acting to cause Deformation is called the deforming force.

Sunday 2 December 2018

Karnataka Diploma Applied Science Model Question Paper-1 With Answers 2019

Answer any 10 questions,each Carries 02 marks.
1.Define Unit
->The Standard of references for the measurement of physical quantity is called unit.

2.Define scalars and vectors

->The physical quantities which have both magnitude but no direction are called scalar quantities.
    The physical quantities which have both magnitude and direction are called vector quantities.

3.Define resultant of Forces
->A single force or vector which produces same effect as two or more number of forces or vectors is called resultant of the forces  or vectors.

4.Define momentum of a couple
->Two equal unlike parallel forces not in the same straight line will constitute a couple. the effect of couple is a rotation. the rotation effect of couple is called moment of a couple.

5.What is plasticity?
->The property of a body by virtue of which it does not regain its original shape, size and volume on the removal of   deforming forces is called plasticity.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Karnataka Diploma Computer Organization Passing Questions 2019

Diploma Computer Science 3rd Sem Computer Oraganization Passing Questions.

1. Describe the  big Endian and little Endian addressability?

2. Explain the basic memory operations?

3. Explain phases of operations?

4. Explain how a complete instruction is executed?

5. Explain hand-wired control unit?

6. Explain memory mapped input output concept?

7. Explain memory mapped input output memory mapped input?